The Footsteps I Follow: Authors I Admire
By: Rebecca Graf
I’ve been an avid reader since I was a small child. When my parents would travel, Mom would pick up a book everywhere she went and gave it to me. I had a box of books that I read through every day. When we’d have a storm and the lights would go out, she’d light the hurricane lamp and read to me. Those are precious memories I have.
The first chapter books I remember were Nancy Drew. You could say that Nancy Keene was the first author I fell in love with and wanted to be like. They were fun reads that had me always guessing who the culprit was.
In college, I fell in love with Amanda Quick, AKA Jayne Ann Krentz. I devoured her books. They were funny, romantic, and had a vein in mystery all through them. Great books.
Then my neighbor handed me a book I thought I’d just read out of politeness. I never dreamed that I’d fall in love with the works of Tom Clancy. Who would have thought I’d love spies and espionage and even enjoying reading books with all that military jargon. I still love his works.
Since then, I have found many authors I love. Each one of them I take a good look at their writing style and how they make a scene work or how they develop a character. There is always something to learn from any book you read including how not to do something.
But you never want to imitate them. You want to let them teach you. Read a scene from an author you admire and think about what you like about it. Do you like the amount of description in it or how the sentences are structured? Then try writing like that and give it your unique style. Let the authors you admire be the mentors for your own writing.
Rebecca Graf spent over twenty years in the accounting field with no way to release her creative juices. To do so in accounting, could get you life. So she began writing online. From there, she ventured into fiction. Dark Connections is her fifth published book with many more in the works. Rebecca is the mother of three children and lives with them and her husband of twenty years in Wisconsin.
story continues from its start in Deep Connections. Brenna has given her heart
to Slaton, but Creeper just won't die. Death cannot stop him from possessing
the one to fulfill the prophesy. Now Brenna and Slaton have to fight not only
for their own lives but for all those they love. As they do, they discover who
Creeper really is and why he wants Brenna so badly. Be prepared for more
mystery, suspense, and sweet love.