Character Interview: Assassin One
The Fraylic Herald reporter Gildore Codus is on the dangerous side of the capitol city this evening where he sees half a dozen silhouettes leave an alley in haste. As a good reporter, he rushes up to one of them and makes an inquiry.
Gildore: Sir…Sir, if you don’t mind. Would you do me the honor of answering a few questions?
Stranger: It’s your life. Ask what you feel safe asking.
Giltore: Thank you Sir. What is your name?
Stranger: I go by the name One. That should be good enough for you.
Giltore: Very well, One. What are you doing in such a disreputable part of town in the middle of the night?
One: I was meeting up with my comrades and discussing today’s action.
Giltore: What action was there to discuss?
One: We have just successfully assassinated Jelena Grithinshield.
Giltore: Mrs. Grithinshield was not even involved in the family merchant empire. Her son Linvin runs it. Why would you kill her?
One: She had something we wanted.
Giltore: Was it money?
One: Such a reward is not worthy of our skills. We sought something much more valuable. Money is of little consequence as our employer sees to our needs most handsomely.
Giltore: If you did not seek money than what were you after?
One: We sought the prize that leads to the ultimate prize. Unfortunately, it was gone from its hiding place when we went to retrieve it.
Giltore: Do you have any idea where the prize went?
One: I have it on good authority that it was taken by the lady’s brother to her son in Missandor.
Giltore: Is that where you are heading now?
One: After checking one other place we will pay Linvin a visit. He will meet a much more painful fate than his mother. That half elf is said to be a great warrior so we must dispose of him harshly.
Giltore: What will you do after you have killed him?
One: I will make it look like an accident and then take the prize to my master.
Giltore: Who is your master?
One: He is the person most deserving of the ultimate prize. After we produce our findings, he will become all-powerful and take this wretched world for his own.
Giltore: Well thank you for answering my questions, Mr. One.
One: Think of it more as your last words as I cannot allow you live. You should have stayed on your own side of the street.
At a young age Linvin Grithinshield was sent to the
far away Kingdom of Valia to be trained as a warrior, leader and general. In his mid-twenties Linvin has reached the
rank of Supreme Commander of all Valian Forces.
The rank is still new when he receives word that his father is missing
and he must return to his home in the Kingdom of Sartan to run the family
business. The joy of his homecoming is
short-lived as Linvin’s mother is murdered and Linvin’s true destiny is
revealed. He has been chosen to be the
next Master of the Red Sapphire. The gem
is said to give world-altering magic to its master. Now it seems someone else of great power
wants the gem and is willing to kill anyone in order to attain it. Linvin must flee for his life and search for
the stone. His wise uncle Anvar who has
more secrets than hairs in his beard comes along but knows they need more
help. With assassins and mercenaries
everywhere they turn to Linvin’s antagonistic fraternal twin cousins Bander and
Rander. Friction within the party rears
its head frequently and Linvin discovers he must learn to control himself in
all situations if he hopes to win the Red Sapphire. Battles rage with giant wolves, bandits,
goblins and even a dragon but somehow the small band must perceiver and succeed
before their murderous competitor find the Red Sapphire and claims it for their
I was born in Port Huron, MI and was the youngest of four surviving children. At the age of five my Father took a position as a magazine editor in Toronto, Ontario Canada. We moved to a large city just outside Toronto called Mississauga. The different cultures and demographics to which I was exposed formed many of the ideas for my story.
When I was thirteen, my Father’s declining health forced him out of work and our family struggled. It was at that time that I decided to channel my negative energy into a constructive purpose. I set out to write a short story about a magical gem called the Red Sapphire. My brothers teased me that such a stone was simply a ruby. That irony was part of the attraction for me. After all, who would be writing about a Red Sapphire? Years went by and we moved down to my Father’s home town of Harrow, Ontario on the shores of Lake Erie. It was a drastic change from city life and I found myself retreating more and more into my ever growing story. By age fifteen I had a two-hundred page hand written manuscript.
Advancing from high school to college at Michigan State University there was little time for writing and the project sat in a drawer in my parent’s home. In spite of my lack of attention to writing, every night I would fall asleep working out details of the book and the series to follow.
I met a wonderful woman at Michigan State who agreed after graduation to become my wife. As we started our family I began a career in retail management and sales. For over twenty years I excelled in the field and even incorporated some of my knowledge into the book. I hold my position in the greatest esteem.
While I rewrote the story several times on my computer, I did not attempt to publish it until the longest supporter of my writing, my Mother, became terminally ill. She told me the last time I saw her how proud she was of the story I had created and made me promise to publish it and share it with the world. With the loving support of my wife, our three children and the help of the good people at Alpha Wolf Publishing, I am fulfilling that promise. When my Father (ever the editor) read the book, he told me how proud he was and that somewhere he knew my Mother was equally proud. I present to you the first part of the saga which is my life’s work, “Quest for the Red Sapphire.” May it bring you as much joy to read as it has brought me to write.

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