Welcome to Author A.P. Fuchs!!
A.P. Fuchs writes and publishes fulltime from Winnipeg, MB, and is most well known for his superhero series, The Axiom-man™ Saga. He spends most of his time writing about zombies and publishing books about them. His shoot ‘em zombie novel, Blood of the Dead, is about just that and, obviously, goes without saying but he’s saying it anyway.
He is also an avid movie buff and his reviews are posted at www.canisterx.com, Amazon.com/.ca.co.uk, Barnesandnoble.com, and his Myspace page at www.myspace.com/apfuchs. Likewise, movies are discussed and reviewed on Canister X’s Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/canisterx.
Fuchs also writes non-fiction, Twitters a lot and writes in his blog–that’s here–5 to 6 days a week, sometimes more than once a day.
He’s also the owner and sole-proprietor of Coscom Entertainment, a publishing firm specializing in superhero and monster fiction.
Oh . . . as a few side things, he digs cooking, watching TV, making compost and following the exploits of Superman, Batgirl, Red Robin and Batman and Robin on a monthly basis.
He also has a few secrets of earth-shattering proportions, but he’s not telling them now nor ever, and plans on taking them to his grave.
A.P. Fuchs can be contacted at coscomentertainment at gmail dot com
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your paranormal romance novella series, Blood of my World?
Blood of my World grew out of my desire to see if I could write a paranormal romance. I’ve dabbled in writing love stories in the past under the name Peter Fox (April, My Angel and Me), but those were not supernatural or paranormal in any way. But more specifically, I wanted to write a love story that also ensured the featured monster—in this case, a vampire—was truly that: a monster, one that didn’t stray from its original roots of bloodlust, carnage, terror. And, if indeed I could pull that off, then try and answer the question if a human could love a monster, what sorts of problems that would cause both internally and externally, how the logistics of that would work, those sorts of things.
Right now there are three books in the Blood of my World novella series: Discovery of Death, Memories of Death, and Life of Death. They follow a couple—Rose and Zach—who were high school sweethearts. However, once Zach goes missing for three long months, Rose has to try and deal with his disappearance along with the newfound knowledge she comes from a long line of vampire slayers. Likewise, we learn where Zach has been all this time: becoming a vampire, and finding out that his true family are of the undead and those that raised him were under their employ until he was old enough to be turned.
Once Rose’s and Zach’s paths cross again, love blossoms once more, but so does the test as to where their loyalties lie. Is love enough? Can you turn from your past? Truly turn?
Lots of excitement, tender romance and even poetry in this series, something fans of heartstring-tugging love stories will truly enjoy.
If you could ask yourself any interview question, what would you ask, and how would you answer it?
When you were a kid, did you see yourself as writing and/or creating for a living?
No. When I was a kid and I thought of my future self doing a job of some kind, I did get mental
images working from home—then my parents’ house—but as to what specifically, it was more just me sitting at a desk signing papers. I guess I got the sitting a desk part right, but the only papers I sign are at booksignings and con appearances.
And if I wasn’t writing now, I’d be back doing blue-collar work, which, it seems, is the only thing I’m qualified for outside of working at a call centre. I’ve done both in the past while trying to get my career off the ground. I really have a respect for anyone who goes out there and gives it their best shot whether they like their job or not. Attitude really is everything when it comes to work, especially if whatever you’re doing is an “in the meantime” thing while you work towards something else.
Who was the hardest character to write in Blood of my World?
Probably Rain, Zach’s vampire. Every other character pretty much wrote themselves, but Rain was someone I had to consciously ensure was there and contributing to the story since my original plans for him changed during the writing process. I tend to write by the seat of my pants so 9 times out of 10, the story tells me who does what, where things are going, and usually chucks my original plans for a tale out the window. That said, sometimes certain characters take center stage easier than others so I have to make sure all the supporting cast gets their fair share of screentime.
Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Things just kind of took off from there and writing became a major obsession of mine.
What is coming up next for you?
What is the most interesting comment you have received so far concerning Blood of My World?
The most encouraging was one book blogger insisting I write more books in the series. She said she absolutely loved the first three. I thought that was pretty cool. Made my day.
The most interesting? Someone I know asking who the female model on the books’ covers was. Haha.
What is your favorite paranormal themed movie?
1408, probably. Very creepy. Very atmospheric, and you can’t go wrong with John Cusack.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
If indeed you are serious about writing, aside from the rule about how to learn your craft—write a lot and read a lot—the first thing you need to do when it comes time to thinking about publication is to decide what your goals are in this business. A lot of writers rush to self-publish or send off queries or whatnot without really understanding the motive behind the path they take. Do you want to write fulltime? Part time? Just a hobby thing? Each of those answers require different roads to get there.
I would strongly suggest—even demand—you research the industry, not buy into any online hype about which method of publication is best, and—based on your goal—pursue the avenue that bests fits that.
Usually, hobby writing equals you’d self-publish.
Part time is usually small press to somewhere in the midlist.
Fulltime is usually sending out queries, getting an agent, and hoping you’ll landing enough of a deal to cover your expenses for a year or more.
Tell us three things that we don’t know about you?
1.) I can say the alphabet as one word
2.) Growing up I had recurring nightmares about “porkyhymers.” (Made-up monster; basically people who look normal except they have noses like Gonzo and they want to kill or hurt you.)
3.) I have a real problem with the cliques that form in writers’ circles. I can only wonder what a reader must think when he/she stumbles upon a writer they read acting a certain way online or posting negativity about someone else, etc. You don’t see guys like Stephen King or Terry Goodkind doing that. Why should you?
When you aren’t writing, what do you like to do?
I’m a big comic book fan, so I’m usually reading comics and graphic novels, watching superhero cartoons/movies, and just chilling out. I also like to cook and have been doing it seriously for about a year and a half.
BLOOD OF MY WORLD: Includes Discovery of Death; Memories of Death; Life of Death
One PDF version Discovery of Death, Memories of Death and Life of Death to one winner
(complete rules HERE)
- This contest is open internationally
- You do not have to be a follower but it is much appreciate
- Please complete the form below - comments are nice but they will not count.
- The contest will end on June 8, 2011 at 11:59PM CT; 1 winner will be selected and contacted thereafter.
- Once the winner is contacted, they will have 48 hours to respond to my email or another winner will be chosen (make sure to check your spam folder!).
- Books will be emailed from author.
Books have very interesting story! Thanks for the giveaway.
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